As of this past week, phase 1 construction on the outfall (at the drainage ditch near the soccer fields behind the middle school) is set to begin on Monday, March 30th and continue for approximately 2 weeks. It has not been communicated how or if COVID-19 issues will affect the start of construction. Updates will be posted as they are received from the city.
The following is a recap of the information brought by the city to the HOA Board of Directors meeting on Nov. 19th. Please sign up to receive email updates on the project as well as our regular newsletters.
Following the flooding from Hurricane Harvey the city worked to identify the areas of Sugar Land which experienced the greatest impact. As a result of that investigation, Settlers Park was identified as the highest priority and in 2018, the City Council voted to approve Capitol Improvement Project (CIP) DR1903 - the Settlers Park Greenfield West Drainage Improvements. (As an aside, a drainage project targeting Settlers Grove is included in the recently approved CoSL bond package. Updates on that project will be provided in the future as they are available.)
This project requires the replacement of the existing storm water pipes along Greenfield Dr., Mesquite Dr., and Sleepy Hollow Dr. with new storm sewer pipe and the replacement of the outfall into FBC LID No. 2 Ditch C. This project will reduce the street ponding depth and duration in the Settlers Park area. Additionally, the city will replace all street paving, sidewalks, and driveways tot he right of way lines and water mains within the project limits. Currently storm sewer pipes range in size from 24-36 inches. Replacements will range from 36 to 72 inches.
As of Nov 19th, it is reported that the design phase is 90% complete with construction estimated to begin in the spring of 2020. The project is expected to be completed in 8 phases beginning with the outfall drain between the last home on Mesquite Dr. and the school/soccer field, continuing with the storm drains on Mesquite Dr. between the middle school and Greenfield, and followed by the Mesquite Dr./Greenfield intersection, the remainder of Mesquite Dr., Sleepy Hollow, and then Greenfield. Prior to each phase, residents along the affected areas will be notified with flyers placed on doors. Updates will also be provided via email as the HOA receives that info (sign up above if you are not currently receiving HOA emails and wish to; also check spam and update folders to ensure you are receiving those emails).
During each phase, one side of the street will be completed, followed by the other side. During those times traffic will be routed one way on the available lane encouraging local traffic (residents of that street) only. The one exception to this process will be the intersection of Mesquite Dr. and Greenfield which is scheduled for a complete closure for an estimated 45 days which is currently projected for the summer months of 2020 to minimize disruption to school traffic. The completion of the entire project is estimated to require 14-16 months from the start date. It was asked and noted during the meeting that completion of the entire project is not required before improvements are noticed as the completion of each phase will result in marked improvement to potential floodwater drainage, beginning with the initial outfall replacement at the LID ditch.
Specific questions or concerns about the project may be directed to the project manager, Ross Woodfin at 281-275-2780.