The association’s board, based on owner input, has voted to undertake the building of a brick wall along Settlers Way, from Hwy 6 to Austin Pkwy, and along Austin Pkwy from Mesquite to the easement at the end of our Settlers Grove properties on E. Rangecrest Place.
The total estimate for this effort was estimated in 2020 at $500k (we know there will be some increase in costs as the project progresses). The project has been broken down into 3 phases beginning with the section along Settlers Way from Flintwood, near Hwy 6 to Windmill. The reason for the 3 phases is to space out expenditures as well as an effort to maximize use of the City of Sugar Land’s CIP fund awards capped at $75k available annually.
Update as of March 2021: We have been approved by the city Grant Committee for $75,000 for the first phase which has requirements we are working to meet before final approval by the city council. The following are the next steps required before construction can begin:
A survey of the fence line
A survey of the fence line
Mailed notification to affected owners in Phase I to clear an 18-inch space away from the wooden fence as a work space for the brick wall construction – including plants, trees, tree roots or stumps, limbs, sheds, wood piles, etc.
If a Consent of Encroachment is required by the city for any of the property owners, said document, as prepared by the City’s Legal Dept. will be sent to the applicable property owners with a cover letter requesting they execute the document and return it to CMC.
A letter of consent must be obtained by any utility company, such as internet, phone and Centerpoint, which could potentially be time consuming.
Follow up visual inspections from outside the wooden fence will be done routinely before construction can commence to make sure the 13 properties have complied with the clearing request. Any property not in compliance will receive a final request and if and when necessary, the HOA will have the area cleared and bill that property owner for the clearing/clean-up. No one can cause construction delays. The wooden fence is property of the Association and the Association has the right to build the brick wall and we hope and ask all the directly affected property owners and any tenants to immediately and continually comply with any requests made to allow this project to proceed on schedule.
The contract with the approved wall contractor will be executed by the HOA Board, the brick will be ordered and a start date will be determined. The construction will be done in sections, with the wooden fence being removed and temporary fencing being installed inside each back yard while the brick wall is being constructed. Advance notice will be provided to each address so plans can be made for securing pets, etc.
We do not know the specific start date as it is pending completion of the above list. We also do not know at this time how long the construction time will take for Phase I.
As we move through the process, we will provide updates directly to the 13 affected owners and provide general updates to the community as a whole. We feel the addition of the brick wall will be a great enhancement to the community and we plan to do additional phases of the brick wall in the years to come.