Help your community be the best place it can be!
Current Committees
Social Committee
Chair: Kelley Glore
Members: Victoria Maldonado, Liz Peng
The social committee plans and executes all social events for the community including a spring event, summer movie, National Night out, and a Community Christmas/Holiday event. Members of this committee may be involved in the planning of all events, committed on only an individual event, assist in promoting events, or simply volunteer at events of interest. Fill in the form below to get more information.
Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
Chair: Sharon Hazel
Members: Scott Ashley, Tracy McCormick
The ACC reviews all home improvement requests submitted by association residents. Members of this committee evaluate these requests based on current association resolutions and city/state requirements. They consider each request in the framework of maintaining individual expression while upholding property values and visual harmony of the surrounding homes and community.